A must to see. La mondialisation est en train de se fracturer. Alors, qu’est-ce qui vient ensuite ?
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A must to see. La mondialisation est en train de se fracturer. Alors, qu’est-ce qui vient ensuite ?

We are in paradigm shifts everywhere, in all spheres.

How can we predict the future when our benchmarks have changed?

It's a mission impossible.

Looking, observing, studying is for the moment the only method that makes sense. Everything else is just improvisation.

Let's look at this one by Bloomberg.

After the Cold War ended, globalization took hold as the world became a network of interconnected economies. But events of recent years have caused fractures along geopolitical lines, prompting both leaders and companies to reevaluate who they do business with, and how. Amid the turmoil, a group of countries are capitalizing on this new reality, and thriving.

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