Longevity: can ageing be reversed?
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Longevity: can ageing be reversed?

L'espoir de la vie éternel, est-elle toujours au goût jour?

Look than yes! (again)

Ageing has always been inevitable but fasting, epigenetic reprogramming and parabiosis are just some of the scientific techniques that seem to help people stay young. Might the Peter Pan dream become real? Some are positive.

Science on SofaTvnetwork make part of the learning side of our channel,

and we are proud of it!

By the way, did you know that learning keep your brain in shape! Anything from music, learn a new language, practice yoga, play chess. Remember that your brain, is a muscle et to keep them "in shape", it has to make exercise!

Enjoy, and have a beautiful day!

00:00 - Can science turn back the clock?

01:01 - Centenarians

02:51 - What is ageing?

04:51 - Dietary restriction

06:00 - Roundworms

07:55 - Epigenetics

09:43 - Blood and guts

11:40 - Senolytics

12:38 - Metformin

13:51 - Anti-ageing treatments are coming

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