Why creating is crucial to human existence | Godfrey Reggio, Steve Albini, and Fred Armisen
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Why creating is crucial to human existence | Godfrey Reggio, Steve Albini, and Fred Armisen

Updated: Jan 21

Filmmaker Godfrey Reggio, rock icon Steve Albini, and comedian Fred Armisen told us the meaning of life:

In this episode of Dispatches from The Well, Kmele Foster continues his search for the meaning of life inside the minds of some of the world’s most creative visionaries.

Godfrey Reggio revolutionized film with his experimental documentaries. Steve Albini is preserving the spirit of music by committing to analog recording. Fred Armisen turned his creativity into a career by combining his passion for music and comedy. Kmele sat down with each of these creators and asked them about the “why” behind their existence.

From sitting behind the camera to stepping in front of it, these artists have found meaning in their lives by committing to the things that, in simple terms, are the most fun. Join us as we explore the perspectives of these “rebellious creatives” in episode six of Dispatches from The Well.

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