Why Rich People Don't Wear Luxury ?
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Why Rich People Don't Wear Luxury ?

Why Rich People (sorta) Don't Wear Luxury

Modern-day luxury is a spiderweb. A $397 billion structure woven together by the distinctions between classes and cultures. In this video, we jump into the web to figure out what luxury actually is, why the upper class (sort of) don't buy into it, and the psychology behind those who do.

Sources included in the video.

0:00 Introduction

1:45 Defining Luxury

2:40 The Major Leagues in Luxury

3:20 The Minor Leagues in Luxury

5:35 What Do The 1% Wear

9:30 The Luxury Industry During The Pandemic

11:55 The Middle Class & Luxury

13:50 The Luxury Industry Post-Pandemic

16:50 Conclusion

This video essay was researched, written, and edited by Alexander and narrated by Sam. Copyright © 2024 - All rights reserved.

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