Will China pull ahead with battery technology?
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Will China pull ahead with battery technology?

Will China pull ahead with battery technology? | Transforming Business

When salt-powered e-cars recently rolled off the production lines in China, it hit the headlines. Not only because sodium makes up one of our favorite table condiments, but also because, so far, no electric vehicle has been able to run without lithium – an element that is difficult to extract and pretty expensive. So what are the pros and cons of the new sodium-ion battery technology? How big is the market? Why is China so far ahead in sodium battery technology? And what role do European companies like Northvolt and Altris play?


0:00 Intro

0:42 The role of lithium in battery production

1:28 Sodium-ion batteries come into play

2:28 Chinese CATL produces the new batteries

3:24 Impact for lithium producers in Latin America

4:24 How sodium-ion batteries are produced

5:28 The European battery manufacturer Northvolt

6:19 Why is China so far ahead?

7:33 Booming market for lithium-ion batteries

8:38 Conclusion

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