You can change your brain in just 10 minutes.
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You can change your brain in just 10 minutes.

“Focused attention is an endangered species.” Psychologist Daniel Goleman on how mindfulness can actually make you more productive.

Multitasking is our new normal, and our ability to focus is being challenged like never before. We’re constantly checking our emails, scrolling social media, consulting our endless to-do lists, and even watching YouTube videos, and, according to renowned psychologist Daniel Goleman, it’s slowing us down in more ways than one.

According to Goleman, a remedy for our fast-paced lives can be found in a simple, ten-minute exercise. He explains how a daily mindfulness practice can significantly enhance attention span, reduce the negative effects of multitasking, and help individuals remain concentrated and productive.

Goleman’s insights reveal how mindfulness meditation offers immediate stress reduction and a calmer mind, showcasing its potential benefits for people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and enhancing focus in children facing challenging environments. Drawing from cognitive science and recent research, Goleman provides actionable advice for incorporating mindfulness into daily routines, aiming to improve mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall wellness.

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